Course Content
10 hours of refined and in depth instruction from an internationally sought out holistic cancer industry pioneer on holistic cancer healing / prevention
Personal insights from our founder's 35+ years of field experience and research
- Deep exploration of our mind - body - spirit approach to BEATing Cancer
Full access to go through the lessons at your own pace
Hundreds of supplementary links and resources to additional video, audio, readable, and downloadable content
- 40+ Downloadable Files to build your Holistic Cancer Coach Guide Book
Pre-made educational handouts for use with clients
Pre-made legal disclaimer
Pre-made intake questionnaire
9.5 potential self-reported CEU's available for nurses ***
- Access to our entire library of digital downloads
Continuing Support
1 Year complementary access to the Master Coach Suite and other membership benefits**
Access to private community weekly calls
- Exclusive trainings
- Q&A's
- Business development
Connect with our staff and other coaches!
Access to private community group chat
- Available 24/7
- Private and secure
- Support
Exclusive opportunities
- business partnerships
- job opportunities
speaking engagements
Discounts on business tools and services
Access to community of existing coaches willing to help and support you
- Personalized business advice from our C-Suite and trusted advisors
Marketing Exposure
Get highlighted and celebrated everywhere BeatCancer has a presence
Find a Cancer Coach Directory
BeatCancer.Org Blog
Beat Cancer Social Media Pages
- YouTube
- TikTok
Moderator Status in our Ask A Holistic Cancer Coach Facebook Groups
Weekly public speaking opportunity on our Ask A Holistic Cancer Coach Weekly Call
Become a lecturer and be a deeper part of the BeatCancer legacy by contributing to the new Coaches' Curriculum program!
- Use our recognized and renowned branding in your personal marketing
Additional Bonuses!
- 10% discount code for all future purchases of any educational materials (Physical books, DVD, etc)
- Affiliate opportunity to earn by referring new students
Rights for use of the "Fight Cancer With Your Fork" presentation