Did you know?
Only 5-10% of all cancers are caused by your genes. The other 90-95% can be prevented with a healthy diet, environmental changes, and lifestyle choices.
~Bharat B. Aggarwal, Ph.D. Cytokine Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics
The University of Texas , M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
↑(Click the unmute / speaker button to turn on sound)
- Zakariya Frank, COO
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Based on our founder Susan Silberstein Ph.D's 35+ years in the field helping cancer patients, we provide research-based education on how to:
With the right combination of:
It's amazing how powerful our bodies' natural healing mechanisms can be!
Whether you're looking to:
Learn more as a patient or caregiver
Understand more as an educator or speaker
Teach more as a Certified Coach
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What Do Our Students Think?
Student & Coach Panel Discussion
Annie Appleseed Conference
February 2025
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Prevention starts with education!
Education starts at BeatCancer!
Great training... this training is giving me the tools to augment my skills and pull together my knowledge and expertise in a cohesive way that will allow me to support and guide others in their own healing journey.
- Kay Modore, Certified Cancer Coach
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